Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Blogging Reloaded.....

This has been the longest break I remember to have taken from the Internet since I first took the tide. More so of a Sabbatical!!!

I believe its definitely

6 months now since I last blogged.
7-8 months since I orkutted
6 months since I last used Flock
Flickr, Slashdot, are long forgotten incidents in my life...

Wonder why..???

Its because, I have had a bigger, rather the biggest commitment one should and can pick up in life....Marriage..!!!

Yep...I have been married to Gayathri since June 25, 2007. gives you some fall-back of the details!!!
(at least that kept the blogger in me grinning for the last few months, for the quantity that has gone into the page!!!!)

I believe only things of such magnitude can pull me out of the web...and I am *for the record*, assorted a way to get back into this viscious web of blogging inspite of my commitments...after all blogging and  all other netizen stuff were so dear to me once upon a time...and are still !!!!

Me would continue this lost trade...let me see if I am able to pick it up frm where I left...!!!

have definetely lost the  audience, which in originality was like finding an Oasis in Thar Desert!!!!

Shd build back with renewed vigour...and I hope I can catch up...

Good for a comeback blog I suppose!!!!...:-)


Blogged with Flock