Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Anton Stanislaus Balasingham - A Real Tiger

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal opinion, and this has no stake on anything that happens for the reader of this post. And..I am not part of any political or liberationist outfit..nor do I support or purport activism as a way of life....please understand....

ok....as the saying goes...a writer should be able to scribble on a variety of topics...this is definitely a *first* for me..

This is about the real life tiger Anton Stanislaus Balasingham...who is no more to grace the earth with his foot steps... this post is to just make people remember him for atleast the minutes they read about him....here....

Anton was a British National, who was a SriLankan by birth.

I am a tamil by geography..and this isnt a tamil-tamil bash that I am staging in blogger...this post is a tiny/small / petite tribute from a blogger who feels people need to know what the *real* Anton is all about..as much I know..

You might by now know that Anton Balasingham was a chief political activist and strategist behind the LTTE movement, whose tryst to get a free tamil eelam state is histroy....

Many people say that he was the one person who lent a lot of creditibility and respect to the LTTE as a movement, and the world looked up at this movement as a progressive liberation movement than opposed to a rebel group...

That way Anton Balasingham has done a great job of representing both sides of the war...and has always on record and action wanted a peaceful and negotiable end to the war..in the island nation...which sadly didn't materialze during his lifetime...I know for such a passionist...this would have been really hurting, but I would say he did his bit....and LTTE is looked at as a liberation group....and not as a terrorist outfit...they have their reasons atleast....

Anton was the brain child and strategist-in-chief for a lot of actions of the LTTE in the 1990s and 2000s..and helped transform the image of LTTE in the minds of the general public...and was a good oratorist and a rebel writer...capable of churning out inspiring speeches for its Leader-in-chief Velupillai Prabhakaran...

so lets salute the man fondly called *Bala Anna*, who was an inspirational face for a number of LTTE activists..and lets not forget..he was a visionary and a leader who needs to be saluted ....that is if you are sane ..and dont have a prejudice towards people and see people for what they are made of and not for what they are known as / for....

my 2 cents,

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