Tuesday, April 10, 2007

WoUSB (World over USB)

ohmigod....this USB never ceases to fascinate...

the other day...I heard my manager complain...that the USB ports that he has in his lappie isnt enough...and needs a USB hub...to fill-in things....

that set me thinking...I know...I use quite a few USB devices...and when I connect my IPOD, Web camera, Bluetooth Dongle, and 80 GB USB harddisk, I am also running out of ports in my Inspiron...but that complaint of his set me thinking....as if to, if this USB device freaky world is taking over our senses....I mean its so convenient, fast and plug-and-play...too easy to ignore...

I have been fascinated by the design creativity with which USB devices have been made in China...My friend carried a Make-up kit like box, when he came back from china...and he had a box full of USB devices each half-a-thumb size...solving various purposes....and it was sleek and sexy to look at....USB memory card readers, flash drives, bluetooth dongles, MP3 players, huh....and to add to all this, even charging mobile phones is USB enabled....u know this last thing is f_____ing convenient....super cool....u dont have to run around for electric sockets...which strangely seem to be diminishing in office interiors nowadays...(maybe the decors are too smart and tech-savvy that they figure USB is the next coolest thing, even before DELL / IBM figure out and add more USB ports to their PCs...;-)....)

and with all this in perspective, this news bit that you are going to read is least surprising but nevertheless worth a moment's extrapolation as to what all will this USBed world could do???....and thats what I call WoUSB (World over USB)...hear some synonyms...yeah...it was meant to be...hahaha....:-))...



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alex said...
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Anonymous said...

Well said.