Wednesday, May 02, 2007

UBUNTU for DELL-ians

"oh...yeah....its been there for long...."...I hear people grunting...!!! but nevertheless this news piece i thought needed a feature in my blog at least...considering DELL's widespread audience...and UBUNTU's recent success... you all know is this sturdy notebook provider, proof *yours truly*....who has been using a DELL inspiron for close to 2 years now...and its battered to the most at my hands....and has traveled a hell lot more than what business executives do.....and has also hosted tea-parties....for ant families...and other smaller reptile families for last two years in its keyboard!!!!....and rock-sturdy and executes commands as good as a faithful servant..!!!! I am lovin' it!!!!...

UBUNTU is this *Linux for Human Beings* thing that became popular by mid 2005 or so I suppose -at first I scorned this I felt it was more of an insult for all linux users all-along (the fraternity I have also been part of since 2003) -...and people were ordering free copies of UBUNTU 5.01 in included...and surprisingly, I got 10 DVDs...and gave off 9 sets to my friends...the true spirit of Linux, I was practising at that instant..I was proud...and little did I know that this UBUNTU thingy would pick up so much steam that it is touted to be the easiest to set-up and use Linux, closely on the heels of SuSE Linux (after Novell Acquisition)..Ironically, SuSE picked up and also lost steam because of Novell...(picked up becuz Novell pepped up the UI, lost because of the MS-Novell deal many were skeptic about!!!!) UBUNTU was again the fore-runner for pure linux usuability... ...and man u should admit, UBUNTU has indeed come a long way from the 5.01 days...I hear, its a breeze to setup and use, faring up on ease of setup and use to you know people don't fudge data when they talk in terms of Vista comparison...;-)....

so...UBUNTU being endorsed by DELL...will actually work out better for DELL rather than UBUNTU....:-)...surprising u might say..but the fact is YES....ubuntu is already there as a popular distro for quite some time now....and when DELL endorses, it really doesn't add face-value as far as corporate usage is concerned....*after all, when has Linux community been concerned about corporate or brand endorsements..???*....its always self-existent among the nerds, geeks...and lesser mortals like me who stick to the idealism it proposes rather than anything else..!!!!! so DELL branding would do lil in terms of raise in ubuntu popularity.....but the other way out pretty damn YES.....

DELL, I suppose will benefit and cash-in on the following segment....people who want to buy a laptop and use linux on it...(there are hordes of people who want to and are doing that already...)..and when u know that *LINUX WORKS FOR SURE* on DELL....(borrowing M$ terminology)...people will be all the more ready to go for DELL..knowing well the reliability thing I told earlier...that is already a factor for siding with DELL...

so its more of a popularity puller...and a marketing stunt to up the DELL force in this MATRIX rather than anything else...

and as usual...this gladdens the grey cells...and the hearts of so many linux believers...and we know we will win the war...finally, just like Morpheus believes in the ZION's freedom and victory...;-)



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