Thursday, June 22, 2006

A new Me - the alter blogger

Yes...I should call this post that way only....!!! This blog has been online since december 2004 and I started this outlet system only to satiate my other interests than work....and have been pretty faithful with that ideology( I have never mixed my mainstream life with this exciting life) until today morning...when things seemed to have changed suddenly in a couple of hours!!!!

I have never written about my professional life, nor what I do other than blogging and reviewing movies...!!!! I *work* a software professional....a 'grist of the mill' stuff that I produce......nothing great!!! but nevertheless I can contribute something and have already - to the fraternity that I am part of....I wish to share that part of me as well, beginning from you should be able to see a mixed bag of things that I will write on ...something relating to the IT fraternity as well, that I belong to...bread-and-butter stuff for me!!!


Joy Forever said...

I also plan to write a lot about the IT industry, but much of it is stuff which I'd rather not write while in here. However, I won't let it go. Sooner or later it's going to come out.

Rajesh said...

thats the spirit....with this govt ban on blogs..I have lost the flow..with which I would write..:-(...shd start afresh!!!